When you spend a fortune on a high-quality stapler, you expect a flawless performance. However, this is not always the case, and you might run into mishaps. I have to admit that you won’t run into a jamming stapling machine often, but sometimes it happens.
How do you fix a stapler?
This is a question that most people find themselves asking on several occasions. Sometimes, you might be unable to remove a stuck stapler pin, what do you do?
In this article, we will share all you need to do to fix your stapler. Below are effective tips to help you get your stapler functioning seamlessly:
1. Know your stapler
You have probably noticed that there are a lot of different stapling machines to choose from in the market. All these different stapling machines include unique features and designs depending on the manufacturer. There are several varieties that you get to choose from, including manual, automatic, and electric.
You must, therefore, take your time to know your stapler accordingly. To start with, read the user manual thoroughly because it contains all the necessary information. Doing this ensures that you learn all the small things, including what not to do.
2. Assemble all the necessary equipment for removing a jammed stapler
You don’t need to purchase any special anti-jamming tools to fix your jamming stapler. You need tools that are readily available around your home. Some of the standard anti-jamming tools include pliers, staple removers, and paper clips.
3. Unjamming stapler
All staplers, whether manual or automatic, get stuck from time to time due to the pin. While working as usual with your stapling machine, the pin might get ejected at the wrong angle and cause a jam. The good news is that fixing such jams is relatively simple.
Step 1: Open the load magazine
The top-load magazine needs to be opened before you can start doing anything. The stapler magazine will be placed in a different position depending on the type of stapler you have. Your stapling machine will either be rear loading, frontloading, spring-powered, or bottom loading.
Look for your magazine section, depending on the type of stapling machine that you have. Once you find your load magazine section, open it and proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Remove pin
Search for something around your home or workplace that is sharp and thin. Most of the time, a paper clip will work just fine. You need to insert the paper clip on the bottom of the stapler opening and try to push out the stuck pin.
In case there is no paper clip around, then use a stapler remover or sharp-headed scissor. All you need to do is place the tool above the stuck pin and push it down. The pin usually comes out immediately.
A pair of pliers is also a viable option due to its magnetic and sharp head. To use pliers successfully, you have to open up your stapler’s top part. Hold the pin firmly and remove it easily.
Step 3: Close the load magazine
Ensure that the remaining staplers are well secured by the spring before closing the top load magazine. This step needs to be carried out carefully because you don’t want to jam your stapling machine again. When done correctly, you can quickly get back to using your stapler.
4. Test stapling
It is now time to test whether your stapling machine is working perfectly. Use scrap paper to inspect whether your stapler is functioning quickly and smoothly.
Tips to follow when fixing a stapling machine
Although fixing your stapler is a simple task, certain tips will help you get the best results. These tips will also ensure that you maintain safety and avoid any injury.
In some cases, you might opt to use your hands because there are not tool around. To do this safely, you need to hold the top stapler part and staple. A wrong angled pin should fall out once you carry out this step. However, keep your hands at a safe distance from the base of the stapling machine to avoid any injury.
The jammed pin can be rather elusive at times, and you might not locate it immediately. In such situations, you will have to take apart the top load magazine completely. You can then proceed to remove the jamming pin from your machine. Since you have your stapling machine opened up, take your time to clean up any accumulated dust.
Do not use water when cleaning your stapling machine. Understand that water will lead to rust and isn’t productive, to begin with.
When fixing your stapler, you must ensure that all parts are securely tightened into position. Try shaking the stapling machine to ensure that everything is in order before proceeding to use your stapler. Doing this ensures that you get long-lasting service from your stapling machine.
Things to avoid when using your stapler
Most people get frustrated when the stapler jams and starts shaking it vigorously. Avoid doing this at all costs because you will end up causing permanent damage. Below are certain things that you need to avoid when using your stapler to ensure you get long-lasting services.
Know the amount of paper that your stapling machine can handle comfortably. The size of the pin will dictate the stack of paper that you can staple at a time. Do not try to staple more paper that your machine can handle.
Do not use excessive force when stapling because you might cause permanent damage. The magazine is hugely affected whenever you use effective force.
Fixing a stapler is an easy task that takes about a couple of minutes. However, you need to exercise safety and caution to avoid unnecessary injury. Proper maintenance of your stapling machine will ensure that you get long-lasting services.
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